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Facebook Timeline

CEO Mark Zuckeberg showed off the new features " The Facebook Timeline" in his keynote at the company’s f8 conference. It algorithmically organizes everything you’ve done on Facebook. All the photos you've posted to the changes made in your relationship status, check in , apps and everything possible.Its basically a new type of Profile, that organizes everything you have done in Facebook Chronologically. It also allows users to fill out a “Way Back” section to add details that are omitted or occurred before the social network.

Facebook expects to roll out Timeline in a few weeks, but you can see what it looks like in the video above and also sign up for timeline right now. We’re also tracking Facebook’s announcements for any new updates.

To signup for timeline click on the image below:

Will Facebook Timeline Effect your privacy?
We’re all going to fall victim to these Facebook Timeline privacy concerns as we familiarize ourselves with the new feature.  Have no fear, it’s not like adding an app to your Timeline is irreversible, you can remove it at any time. Also note that when you add an app to your Timeline, you get the option to share your activity with “Public,” “Friends” or “Custom.” By clicking “Custom,” you get the option to hide your activity from everyone but yourself.